Angie Diedericks Suicide Prevention Program
Help for children in crisis aged 12 to 18
Free helpline for South African teenagers from 12 years to 18 years of age. Please reach out to us if you are in need of urgent help.
Please note that the below WhatsApp link is for use by children IN CRISIS ONLY. This line is manned by a real person. Please do not hog the line with inappropriate pictures, marriage proposals, and requests for escorts. If possible, we will reply as soon as we can, either in text or call. If you are not in crisis and simply wish to communicate, please stick to day-time hours.
Help for Adults
Case Studies
These are only three of many cases where our Lifeline Counsellor assisted and saved lives. Help is only a WhatsApp message or email away. Don’t wait, please ask for help.

- BSc(Hons) psychology with criminology (1010802565082)
- Dip Couns (09882)
- Complementary Health Therapies
- Mental health first aider (MHFA England)
- Enhanced DBS registered (adults & children) (011780999381)
Student A, aged 16, joined the service in May 2023 suffering with anxiety, suicidal ideologies and low mood. They had been referred by their mother who themselves struggled with depression and anxiety and had been told about the service on a school drop off. Student A was given an appointment within 24 hours of the initial contact and promptly attended. They were somewhat apprehensive and distrusted adults however after 2 sessions they opened up and explained that life at home was very difficult after the father had left the family home a few years earlier and the mother had withdrawn from societal life. Money had been very tight and life in South Africa to them seemed pointless with the blackouts. During the next few session we explored their suicidal ideologies and it was noted that they became obsessed with the thought of planning their demise to even the littlest of detail. We had according to their plan just weeks to save them. Over the next 3 weeks we talked through things and how they could focus on hobbies as they explained that they loved sport and was good at it, but had stopped playing because of the mother’s constant controlling behaviour. In the last session the mother was invited to join in to draw up an activity plan Student A could do over the course of the month. The mother agreed to support the plan and it was evident this meant a lot to Student A. Upon checking several weeks later student A’s process was transformative. They were playing sports with peers and outside in communal areas with friends, and the mother had stuck to the agreement even cheering them on. It was further agreed that the plan would remain in place and that Student A would have access to my services at any point when they needed it.
Student B an 18 year old male contacted the service because they felt suicidal. He was dealing with issues around his sexuality and he felt unable to come out. His father was a pastor in a Christian church and the family was well known in their community. The mother was an active member of a women’s golf group and the family lived in an affluent area of Johannesburg. The young man was in his matric year and was desperate to tell his family about how he was feeling, but knew that his father would never accept him as a gay man. Over 6 weeks we worked on the importance of being true to self and on a plan for him to gain his independence after he finished school so he could live the life he wanted to live in peace. The importance of honesty with his family was reinforced but he felt unable to do so. Instead he was looking at ways to make his own life. He had met someone this year and wanted to explore a life with them. After the program ended the student reported feeling confident, no longer suicidal, but hopeful for his future which he wanted to live as a gay man. The service wishes him well.
Student C, is a 12 year old child who reported self harming. This had started several months prior whilst in the care of her new stepmother and biological father. The child was very unhappy as the stepmother had assaulted her several times and had threatened to throw her to the ‘swarte wolve’ which the stepmother had labelled all black men. This usually happened when the father was not around and the child started bed wetting in the evening when the father left for work. The child appeared to have a bruise on her left cheek as early as her first video call with me. She reported that the stepmother had slapped her because she had eaten a piece of bread without permission! She had self harmed as she wanted someone to help her but no one came to the rescue but when she told a friend at school, the girl gave her my WhatsApp number which her mother had saved on her phone in case she ever needed it! Over the course of the therapy sessions the child became very distressed as things were getting worse at home and I had no option but to alert social services as to what was happening in the home. A week later Social services reported back that the father had no idea this had been happening and the stepmother was asked to leave the family home. I recently checked in with child C and the father and they are doing well with no current instances of self harm. The child remains supported by social services.
The Suicide Prevention Program
One of our sponsors set up a facebook page dedicated to assisting these young persons.
Please note that this page is NOT a dating, financial service, pyramid scheme agency and any abusers will be blocked immediately. It is the Angie Diedericks suicide prevention program that supports free of charge 12-18 year old adolescents living in South Africa in crisis. It was set up in loving memory of 16 year old Angie Diedericks who sadly took her own life on 1 April ’23. Angie was kind, smart, caring, gifted, talented and above all was very loved and she loved. The reality of suicide is that it can happen to anyone and any family as was the case with Angie.
The service pledges to support the community with FREE OF CHARGE online counselling places with qualified therapists for youngsters in crisis. Please only use the WhatsApp number when in crisis, all other queries are welcome via e-mail. 🌻
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Our next event to be announced – please check back often
Feedback on our 31 July ’23 and 1 August ’23 tour with Nadine Blom
Group Counselling via MS Teams – OPEN TO ALL
My Virtual World and my Teen Mental Health – Vryburg Hoërskool
My Virtual World and my Teen Mental Health – Hoërskool Schweizer
A tribute to Angie
Angie wanted everybody to know: “I’m a sunflower, a little funny🌻”.
Everybody wants Angie to know: “We miss you, our little funny🌻”
Angie Diedericks was born on the 1st of September 2006, an only child to her parents. They named her Angelique which translates to ‘messenger’ or ‘angel’ in Greek.
She was a spring baby and that is why she loved sunflowers so much. Spring was the beginning of her life as well as her borrowed time for those who loved her.
Since Angie was a little girl, she touched the people she met and as the years passed Angie did the things of a normal child, a busy body but not a naughty child. Obedient and respectful, yet she had her own unique print in the world.
Angie as a child could never say no to a person in need, she was always ready to help and during her primary school years she bloomed into being the head girl of Gekombineerde Skool Christiana.
Angie also had some challenges in her life, her parents’ divorce, a new school and new families on both sided, but never did Angie complain.
Netball, hockey, dance and oratory was her favourite pass times. She was part of the team and participated in IFAA dance championships and obtained numerous certificates in tap, lyrical, and open dance categories. Angie survived COVID as well as the challenges of a new school. She even started to learn Setswana because for Angie the person rather than the language difference was of more importance.
Angie had dreams like any teenager, and she lived them. Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, technology was never a challenge. Angie even decide to take Agriculture as a school subject (even if it was dominated by boys) because as Angie would say ‘If you can read, you will be able to cook ‘ when she was asked why she did not take the alternative class.
Angie was popular with her friends and had plans for her future, from visiting the U.S to au Pair to joining the agricultural sector and lastly it was to study English and to become a teacher.
Never did we as parents and co parents ever think that depression would hit us so hard. Angie had her challenges and was seeing a psychiatrist, she had help and support from her parents, co parents and friends.
As they often describe depression as ‘the silent killer’ we will never know what happened on that fateful day of 1 April 2023, when Angie decided to end her short life the way she did.
She was loved, adored and she is so, so missed by her parents.
Angie, Angelique … Messenger of God, my angel… a name so fitting for our daughter gone too soon.

Angie in Pictures
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Our Logos
Angie loved sunflowers. She introduced herself on facebook as
“I’m a sunflower, a little funny🌻”.
We used the iconic photo of Angie holding a sunflower, in a sunflower field, to determine the primary colours used on this page, and to create our logos.
Our primary logo was designed by Neville Bateman from NB Design and Print, and Roline Haine from AskRoline gave meaning to it with the below words:
The sunflower stands tall and proud, an emblem of hope for teenage suicide prevention. Just as the sunflower turns its face towards the sun, seeking light and warmth, so do troubled adolescents who needs a glimmer of hope in their darkest hours.
The sunflower’s vibrant yellow petals symbolize the brightness of possibility, reminding us that even in the most hopeless moments, hope can bloom like a ray of sunshine. Its strong stem reflects resilience, demonstrating that with proper support and nurturing, teenagers can find the strength to overcome their struggles.
Just as the sunflower follows the sun’s path across the sky, guiding its growth, a support network of friends, family, and professionals can illuminate the way for struggling youths. By offering understanding, empathy, and love, they help direct them towards a brighter future.
Our secondary logo was also designed by Neville, and we use it in areas where appropriate.
Our Primary Logo

Our Secondary Logo

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6:07Sponsors & Volunteers
We thank our sponsors from the bottom of our hearts. These are the individuals and businesses, in addition to the ones who prefer to stay anonymous, making our lifeline possible, and contribute toward our awareness programs.
We will not ask for any donations via this site until an NPO is registered and operational, thus providing transparent accountability for all donations received and expenses incurred. However, you may follow us on the facebook page where assistance may be requested for specific projects.
Should you wish to volunteer, please complete this form.
Thank you!
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